Teacher Contact
Erin Woo
Class Meeting Times
MBSR Class: Mondays, June 28 – August 16, 9:00 – 11:30 am ET
NOTE: The first class is a 1/2 hour longer and the last class up to an hour longer
MBSR All-day retreat: Sunday, August 1, 8:45 am to 4:30 pm ET
Longer Guided Practice Recordings
Shorter Guided Practice Recordings
MBSR Week Eight
Week Eight Home Practice
Chat Responses and Email Addresses Note that the email addresses from the chat didn’t save, please add your email address to this document if you are interested in staying in touch with others from the group.
MBSR Week Seven
Poem: Autobiography if Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson
MBSR Week Six
Dinner with a new acquaintance. They’re a good listener. You are telling them about your back porch summer, the barbeque, the dandelions, the stoop, ants, spiders, and Japanese beetles you caught off a mimosa tree your father loved. You think you love this person, this new friend. Wait a minute. It’s you you love. Their listening has given you yourself.
MBSR Week Five
Difficult Communications Calendar
MBSR Week Four
Reminder: The All Day Retreat is on Sunday, August 1, 8:45 – 4:30 pm ET
MBSR Week Three
MBSR Week Two
To My Mind Doing the Dishes by Thich Nhat Hanh
MBSR Week One
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Passcode: 391409
Communication Agreements
Adapted from: Agreements for Multicultural Interactions at EBMC (East Bay Meditation Center)
Try It On: Be willing to “try on” new ideas, or ways of doing things that might not be what you prefer or are familiar with. You don’t have to like the practices to benefit from them. It’s also true that your responses are valid. Use discernment in your practices to balance giving yourself the opportunity to experience something new while also taking good care of yourself.
Practice Self Focus: Attend to and speak about your own direct experiences and responses. Speaking truthfully from your own experience will be more supportive of our learning environment than expressing an opinion, giving advice or expressing assumptions about the experience of others.
Practice Presence: Agreement to bring full attention to the class and to not be doing other things simultaneously. (Close programs and apps, refrain from checking email, phone, texts.) Bringing awareness to your body can be helpful.
Acknowledge We All Have Biases: We can assume that we are all going to say things that reveal our biases. Change cannot happen unless we acknowledge this. When we notice biases, we can name them plainly, pause, and allow ourselves to feel the impact. Everyone is responsible for taking care of their own feelings.
Understand the Difference Between Intent & Impact: Try to understand and acknowledge impact. Denying the impact of something said by focusing on intent is often more destructive than the initial interaction.
Move Up / Move Back: Encourage full participation by all present. Take note of who is speaking and who is not. If you tend to speak often, consider “moving back” and vice versa.
Practice Mindful Listening: Try to avoid planning what you’ll say as you listen to others. Be willing to be surprised, to learn something new. Listen with your whole self.
Confidentiality: Take home learnings, but don’t identify anyone other than yourself, now or later. If you want to follow up with anyone regarding something they said during a session, ask first and respect their wishes.
Notice Judgment: Judgments of yourself, your practice, and of others will naturally arise on their own no matter how much we practice. You can simply let these thoughts pass without getting caught up in them, and bring compassion to yourself instead.
Class Guidelines
- Please arrive early to settle in. Class will start at 9 am ET each week.
- If you must miss a class or know you will be late, please call or email me. Your presence in class matters, not only for your own benefit, but also for the cohesion of the group. Together we are a learning community and much of what we are discovering is due to the group’s wisdom.
- This is a highly experiential course and it is recommended that you refrain from taking notes: trust yourself to remember what is important.
- Make yourself comfortable: Feel welcome to bring a bottle of water, a sweater or blanket. You are welcome to stand up or lie down as you need.
- Keep your camera on. During formal practice sessions, you are welcome to practice off camera.
- We will not take breaks during classing class, so please use your own wisdom for bathroom, medication, or food needs.
- Take care of yourself during meditation and yoga: If something doesn’t feel right for your mind or body, ease off, and feel free to speak with me about anything that arises. Modifications are possible for all the yoga postures. If you aren’t clear how to modify a certain position for your body, please just ask.
- Refrain from using the zoom chat, email, text, or any other technology or source that would pull our attention away from our time together.